For many, the concept of recycling conjures up the picture of that blue plastic bin where you toss all your soda, water or beer bottles into and that’s it. However, if you want to help recycle, there are a lot more ways to help as well! We can also think of different ways to keep as much stuff as possible out of our landfills.
When it comes to larger devices such as electronic waste, there are other options as well such as giving your e-waste to a third party electronics recycling company, which is an example of data destruction. If you’re looking for concrete ways you can make a difference, remember to ‘reduce and reuse’ before you even get to the final step of recycling. For example, we can reduce the items that we consume by attempting to fix pieces of electronics before we throw them away.
Try and reduce the amount of packaged things that you buy as well. When it comes to reusing, buy products that you can easily reuse such as reusing a glass jar of spaghetti sauce as a container to keep your dried goods in. You can also buy products that have already been recycled, which is a great way to be eco-friendly. You can also reuse food waste as well through composting! If you have a garden, composting is an excellent way to reuse both kitchen and garden waste through plant trimmings and leftover food to provide rich nutrients to your garden.
When it comes to recycling, be aware that there are much more things you can recycle than just cans and bottles. For example, you can recycle, newspaper, miscellaneous paper, cardboard boxes, motor oil and even electronic equipment such as old computer monitors, printers as well as VHS tapes. These are all simple steps you can do to help recycle.