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Why Data Security Standards are Important: Business Edition

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before and after shredding a hard drive
Kevin Marshall
Kevin Marshall
March 12, 2013

It is an undeniable fact that almost all companies use computers and laptops to run their business. Technology has made it much easier for many companies to store their data in an automated way that keeps everything organized and secure. In the past, businesses kept everything on file as hard copies but as technology continues to advance we have seen a reduction in paper documents and an increase in storing confidential data in electronic storage devices such as hard drives and thumb drives. With the majority of companies choosing to store their data onto their PCs and laptops, it is necessary that data security standards are implemented to ensure that your company’s data, as well as your customer’s personal information, is kept safe and secure. Enforcing data security standards should be a priority for all companies that rely on computers to store sensitive data. Secure data disposal practices are essential for every company to prevent identity thefts and data breaches. Professionals best handle proper data destruction. Companies are advised to hire a data destruction company to handle secure data disposal.

before and after shredding a hard drive

Data destruction is the destruction of information from electronic devices. Hiring a reliable data destruction company will reassure you that all information is unrecoverable. Data disposal firms will often provide companies with a certificate of destruction to encourage them that no one will be able to access any sensitive information that was once stored in these electronic devices. These certificates also provide further reassurance that the hard drive has been destroyed and will not be reused, refurbished, or resold to other companies or individuals. It is safe to assume that no company wants to worry about someone hacking into their computer and stealing confidential data when recycling, donating, selling, or disposing of their machines. Therefore, to safeguard you against any identity theft, fraud, and breaches it is vital that you find a reliable data destruction firm to destroy your old computers, electronic storage devices, and laptops.

Most businesses make the critical mistake of merely deleting or/and reformatting their hard drive or disk. This is not sufficient when it comes to keeping your private information secure. In most cases, deleting a file only modifies the indexing information for a file. Emptying the recycle bin or trash folder of deleted files can also be problematic and ineffective. Although it seems like the file is long gone, deleting and emptying bin only transfers the data to the storage media as unallocated space. The best way to protect your business interests and your customers’ personal information is to hire a trustworthy IT disposal company. It is also essential to keep in mind that whoever you choose to hire should implement environment-friendly practices to destroy data. Keep yourself protected and don’t allow outsiders to steal your private information. As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. Find a data destruction company you can rely on to help you with all your data disposal needs.

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