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In With The New, Out With The Old-How To Handle E-Waste

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Kevin Marshall
Kevin Marshall
July 30, 2012

Technological advancements have become a prominent feature in today’s society. With the growing number of new gadgets introduced every year, there is a greater demand to have the latest model and generation. Although this ever-increasing demand for electronics is beneficial for the economy, it could be damaging to the environment as we dispose of our old and unwanted electronics. With new gadgets being launched every year, this could pose a threat to the environment as we figure out what to do with old electronics. When we hear about a new iPhone generation in the works, many of us feel the need to upgrade once this new software becomes available in stores. Once we get a new phone, computer, or/and laptop, then what do we do with our old electronics? Some of us may choose to recycle it by visiting an e-waste recycling company while others often keep it piled away in the garage. Many also end up throwing old electronics in dumpsters that often end up being sent to a landfill. This not only damages our environment but it can also increase the risk of confidential material being found and sometimes replicated. This leads to the problem of identity theft. We mindlessly throw away trash without thinking about any consequences that may ensue from our actions. We often hear about the importance of recycling cans, bottles, plastics, scrap paper but how often are we reminded about the importance of recycling our electronic waste. Electronic waste includes but not limited to computers, laptops, cameras, phones, television, and hard drives. Those of us who throw away our electronics for waste management to pick up from our driveway are unaware of the defects this may cause the environment. Many are misinformed or lack the knowledge of recycling old electronics.

So what ends up happening to the useless gadgets we throw away? More often than not these gadgets end up in landfills if we don’t choose an e-waste recycling company to handle this type of waste properly. Our environment is directly affected when electronic waste ends up in a landfill. The hazardous materials from these electronics are exposed and harm the water we drink and the air we breathe. Most electronics contain lead and mercury that can contaminate our water and pollute the air whenever we don’t recycle. To prevent poor practices and to encourage better e-waste management, strict governmental laws have been enforced which will set fines and penalties for discarding any electronics in landfills. Companies should particularly pay close attention to how they dump e-waste. Many companies can be traced through serial numbers that are recorded at the time of purchase, and you can be held liable for not obeying the law if you improperly discard e-waste. So think twice before throwing away an old cell phone or hard drive into a trash bin. An important thing to think about is whether your electronic contains confidential information. If it does, then you may want to look for a secure data destruction company that is trustworthy and will protect your identity. Most people think that manually deleting all your files or/and reformatting your hard drive is a safe way to ensure all your data is removed, but in reality, one can still access your data. So whether you’re deciding what to do with your old home desktop or need to recycle tons of computers at once then make sure to go with secure data destruction firm that will provide a certificate of destruction and who is HIPAA compliant.

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